Make the subscription worth it

Tim McConnell

As a paying subscriber I am not seeing many updates or new songs. Is their still interest in this product on the Coach side or should I consider terminating my subscription? I am in need of a sign of life from Coach because I have too many low-value subscriptions in my life already. This is a great product. I hope you are still interested in growing and maintaining your user base.


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Roadie Music

Hey Tim. I hope this can be that sign of life for you!

We're always updating the songs available on our app, but it can be a bit hard to notice. Therefore, we just added a "Recently Added' section to the song list! (You can get there by clicking on the "More Songs" button on the home page).

In addition, we have two major updates on the way, including vocals and video lessons!

If there's something specific that you're hoping Coach will cater to or you'd like to providing more feedback, we'd love if you could continue to post on upvoty. If you're interested, we'd even love to have you join our beta tester group.

Thanks again for reaching out, and we hope you can continue to call us a great product.